
College could be FREE by now but it’s not

They could have recorded classes all through COVID, published them, and then had the protocol to give online fill in the bubble tests. All you would have to pay is for the proctor. Retake the class as many times as needed. Humanities courses especially should be free. As a philosophy major I know these could be recorded and published and there would never need to be another in person paid for class again. They choose not to do this because they want your money, they say “come for the education, not the job prospects” thats bull. They only want your money.

They could have recorded classes all through COVID, published them, and then had the protocol to give online fill in the bubble tests. All you would have to pay is for the proctor. Retake the class as many times as needed. Humanities courses especially should be free. As a philosophy major I know these could be recorded and published and there would never need to be another in person paid for class again.

They choose not to do this because they want your money, they say “come for the education, not the job prospects” thats bull. They only want your money.

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