
Manager from hell part 3

part 1: 2: This is a long one, buckle inIn part 2, I mentioned that I was banking hours. We were super busy but there was no budget for overtime. I had 3d printed some training aids in my home shop. They were very well received and people from other departments started asking for me to create things for them. My direct supervisor was amazing to work for and he had no problems with me helping out the project and banking the hours. I kept a detailed spreadsheet showing time worked and even added in time to cover materials. I would leave early for the day if other projects were stalled and figured the rest would get taken later once things slowed down a bit. People started asking for things that would not be ideal to 3d print due to rough handling during training so I actually started…

part 1: 2:

This is a long one, buckle inIn part 2, I mentioned that I was banking hours. We were super busy but there was no budget for overtime. I had 3d printed some training aids in my home shop. They were very well received and people from other departments started asking for me to create things for them. My direct supervisor was amazing to work for and he had no problems with me helping out the project and banking the hours. I kept a detailed spreadsheet showing time worked and even added in time to cover materials. I would leave early for the day if other projects were stalled and figured the rest would get taken later once things slowed down a bit. People started asking for things that would not be ideal to 3d print due to rough handling during training so I actually started making metal training aids in my machine shop. I was paid very well for this job and loved doing work in my shop so I was thrilled to be able bank these hours. At one point I was up to about 300 hrs banked over the course of about 8 months. Psycho manager seemed to keep her distance for the most part. All was well with the world. Things started to slow down a bit so I decided to take a week off to chop down the banked hour numbers. During my time off I continued to submit my hours as if I was there. Apparently psycho manager came down to our offices and asked one of my co workers why I was still submitting hours when I was not there. They explained the situation to her with the banking of hours and she said “oh, OK then” and walked off. A month or two later I had 169 hrs left so I planned to take off another 2 weeks. Just before I left my direct supervisor was fired because the psycho manager made a big mistake and wrongly blamed it on him. Things were in disarray and I didn't even know who I reported to at the time. I left the country with my family for our trip and while I was there, continued to submit hours. I checked my bank account one day and noticed I had not been paid. We had more than enough saved so that we were not counting on that money for our vacation but I was still mad. I sent an email to payroll but they replied that psycho manager had cancelled my hours because I wasn't there. I sent her an email asking what was going on and she claimed I was committing fraud and she never knew anything about some deal banking hours. I told her she was lying because she had asked one of my co workers about it last time it happened. I named the person, the location and the date. If she had a problem with it she should have spoken to me and not just cancelled one of my pay cheques I may have been counting on. She said she didn't authorize the banked hours so she wasn't going to pay me. I pulled up the spreadsheet and asked what was going to happen to the deal I had with my direct supervisor for 169 hrs which was thousands of dollars. She basically said tough shit, you lose it all.

I wrote a huge email detailing every shitty thing she did and how everyone hated her and good people had actually transferred out of her department or quit because of her. How it was her mistake that got my supervisor fired. I said that I knew she was to go onto maternity leave in the next 3 months and that I refused to come back to our building while she was in it because I was afraid of what I would say or do to her if I saw her. I emailed it to EVERYONE, including some people high up from our client company. I called HR and asked for a leave of absence and they told me I would need a doctors note. I made a doctors appointment and outline to the doctor what had happened. She stood there with her jaw dropped and said of course I will write you a note for stress leave. HR accepted the note but asked what I would do in a year when the manager came off of maternity leave. I said the day she walks back in this building is the last day I work for this company. A week later I started to get really bad pains around my side under my armpit. I went back to the doctor and she said I had shingles. I asked what caused it and she said extreme stress can trigger it. I said I was less stressed than I have been for over a year because I wasn't dealing with her anymore. The doctor said “Yeah, relieving extreme stress can trigger it too”. All I could think of was that Bitch gave me shingles. Luckily it wasn't too bad and cleared up in a few weeks. I got a call from work saying that Psycho manager had started maternity leave early and could I come back to work. I did making I very clear to everyone I worked for that the day she came back was my last. I was told much later that my email caused a lot of commotion and they were seriously considering firing me over it. I guess they kept me because I was good at my job and very few people could do what I did. They did end up paying me most of what they owed me in banked hours after I mentioned that if they didn't, I would be getting a lawyer, so that covered most of my leave of absence. They tried to burn me for 9 hrs saying that it needed to be a compromise. I accepted it and then just left an hour early the next 10 days because fuck you for trying to steal from me. Psycho manager never came back. Rumor has it they paid her out a massive severance because you can get in huge legal shit in my country for firing someone on maternity leave.

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