
No Weekend Leading Up To Vacation?

I work in a retail space. I have 4 days off next weekend, and the schedule for next weekend was just released. I found that I have no days off leading up to it. I will be working from this last Monday, the 21st, to next Wednesday the 30th without a break. Is this legal? This is the 3rd time this has happened at my job. I feel like I’m being preemptively punished for asking off. I understand the thought process, but in a corporate 9-5, that would be crazy to hear about. Am I in the wrong for thinking this is wrong?

I work in a retail space. I have 4 days off next weekend, and the schedule for next weekend was just released. I found that I have no days off leading up to it. I will be working from this last Monday, the 21st, to next Wednesday the 30th without a break. Is this legal? This is the 3rd time this has happened at my job. I feel like I’m being preemptively punished for asking off. I understand the thought process, but in a corporate 9-5, that would be crazy to hear about. Am I in the wrong for thinking this is wrong?

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