
Hopefully going to be getting into the carpenters union this year.

So I’ve been working for this company for 6 years. It’s a small construction company and I literally do every thing. I’m taken advantage of constantly and on top of that, I get no benefits what so ever. I don’t even get paid time and a half when I work over 40 hours. I know it’s a small construction company and I don’t expect the world but a little appreciation goes a long way. He didn’t even give me a Christmas bonus this year and I was literally his only employee for that period. None of his jobs would have been finished if I wasn’t there. Maybe this has been a blessing in disguise because I’m finally fed up enough too realize that I have options. I have a family friend in the carpenters union who is going to be helping me get on and starting out, I’ll be making…

So I’ve been working for this company for 6 years. It’s a small construction company and I literally do every thing. I’m taken advantage of constantly and on top of that, I get no benefits what so ever. I don’t even get paid time and a half when I work over 40 hours. I know it’s a small construction company and I don’t expect the world but a little appreciation goes a long way. He didn’t even give me a Christmas bonus this year and I was literally his only employee for that period. None of his jobs would have been finished if I wasn’t there. Maybe this has been a blessing in disguise because I’m finally fed up enough too realize that I have options. I have a family friend in the carpenters union who is going to be helping me get on and starting out, I’ll be making more than I do now and in a few months I’ll have great health insurance. After a few years, I’ll be making $40 an hour with a pension and annuities. Like what the fuck! Im literally so mad I didn’t do this from the beginning. I would be so fucking grateful just get half of that, let alone benefits and a pension. I finally feel like I can turn a page in my life. I won’t ever have to worry about helping my boss find help or being a middle man between employees when I’m not on the clock because my boss doesn’t speak spanish. Current boss is going to be so fucking pissed when I put in my two weeks. Oh well.

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