
Need Quick Advice on Quitting via email

My nephew is quitting his job today and asked for my help. He has been at this job for two years as a teacher/manager of an afterschool sports program. He is their best worker and the kids and parents ADORE him – but his boss (i'll call him ASSHAT) thats just over him is an jerk- gaslighting, taking credit for his work, not paying him overtime hours, complete lack of communication. This past week that boss (ASSHAT) got in some trouble with HIS boss (I'll call CLUELESS) and threw my nephew under the bus, claiming all the issues were due to my nephew not doing his job. CLUELESS boss doesnt interact at all my my nephew and is a drinking buddy of ASSHAT. This past week my nephew got blindsided, being called into the CLUELESS'S office, where ASSHAT was sitting, and CLUELESS started attacking my nephew and said that he…

My nephew is quitting his job today and asked for my help. He has been at this job for two years as a teacher/manager of an afterschool sports program. He is their best worker and the kids and parents ADORE him – but his boss (i'll call him ASSHAT) thats just over him is an jerk- gaslighting, taking credit for his work, not paying him overtime hours, complete lack of communication. This past week that boss (ASSHAT) got in some trouble with HIS boss (I'll call CLUELESS) and threw my nephew under the bus, claiming all the issues were due to my nephew not doing his job. CLUELESS boss doesnt interact at all my my nephew and is a drinking buddy of ASSHAT.

This past week my nephew got blindsided, being called into the CLUELESS'S office, where ASSHAT was sitting, and CLUELESS started attacking my nephew and said that he heard he is not doing his job and that they are considering demoting him from manager, which would mean a paycut. My nephew was so shocked he said he couldn't speak and after telling CLUELESS that he is shocked and blindsided, asked for some time to absorb said info and could they meet to discuss tomorrow. My nephew then went to teach the classes that ASSHAT was supposed to teach (happens often) and then after work, sat in his car and cried. He LOVES his job, LOVES the kids and has created amazing programs at this facility that ASSHAT takes credit for. He's created alot of income for them.

I helped my nephew craft a letter to CLUELESS explaining all that he had been experiencing with ASSHAT and that he was considering leaving the job. Of course now CLUEELESS is trying to be aas nice as possible so he wont leave bc he brings them $$ as parents love his programs. However, when he met with CLUELESS after he read the letter, CLUELESS didnt offer any feedback about ASSHAT but instead said ” Let's find you a new area within our facility where you can work without too much interaction with ASSHAT. So obviousy nothing will be done about ASSHAT's behavior. ASSHAT also is a creep and hits on all the nannies and single mom's at this facility, and then uses them and dumps them, which my nephew can't bear to watch anymore.

So, my nephew wants to send an email resignation, instead of telling CLUELESS in person today bc he knows CLUELESS will do everything to try to make him stay, and my nephew is such a good guy, he'd easily get swayed to stay longer when his gut is telling him to leave, so he wants to do it by letter.

I told him to give them NO two weeks notice and to just quit. how can we word the letter so that he doesn't hurt his own future employment by making these people too mad, but leaves without having to stay there another day?

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