
Unionizing a workplace where minors work

I work in a place where a considerable amount of high schoolers under 18 work. Myself and about 10 others are over 18 and work in the mornings since the kids go to school. My workplace is horribly exploitative. No breaks, low pay, toxic atmosphere, shady practices, the whole nine yards. I don’t know if I can take it anymore and I really want to talk to my coworkers about unionizing because it’s really bad. If a union election were to take place, would the minor employees be allowed to vote on it? Would the election be only among the adult employees? I couldn’t find much info about this online and would appreciate some guidance.

I work in a place where a considerable amount of high schoolers under 18 work. Myself and about 10 others are over 18 and work in the mornings since the kids go to school. My workplace is horribly exploitative. No breaks, low pay, toxic atmosphere, shady practices, the whole nine yards. I don’t know if I can take it anymore and I really want to talk to my coworkers about unionizing because it’s really bad.

If a union election were to take place, would the minor employees be allowed to vote on it? Would the election be only among the adult employees? I couldn’t find much info about this online and would appreciate some guidance.

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