
Dissapointed in a close friend/business owner with how she treated a “helper” , should I push the topic more?

A very close friend runs a small healing business. She recently went to a healing expo and one of her leasers offered to help her. ( a leaser is someone who rents her healing office space once a week to treat their own clients) . In her own words, she made a “record” amount of money during the expo, and this leaser was a huge help in terms of selling her products and/or treatments. She probably really needed him because she really didnt have much other help to sell/collect money while she was giving treatments. I asked if she gave him a portion of the proceeds for being such a big help and she said no, he got ” exposure and learning experience”… so i said wow he agreed to that ? And she said he offered to help she didnt ask, he wasnt busy that weekend… i told her…

A very close friend runs a small healing business. She recently went to a healing expo and one of her leasers offered to help her. ( a leaser is someone who rents her healing office space once a week to treat their own clients) . In her own words, she made a “record” amount of money during the expo, and this leaser was a huge help in terms of selling her products and/or treatments. She probably really needed him because she really didnt have much other help to sell/collect money while she was giving treatments.

I asked if she gave him a portion of the proceeds for being such a big help and she said no, he got ” exposure and learning experience”… so i said wow he agreed to that ? And she said he offered to help she didnt ask, he wasnt busy that weekend… i told her she should have given him some kind of compensation so that she keeps around good people willing to help her business grow. Her response was that she gave him a couple necklaces for his daughters ( not anything solid gold or worth a huge amount ), a shirt she wanted him to wear there, and a 30$ coupon for a chiropractor….

I honestly didnt text her back after this exchange . I was really disgusted with her response and what she offered this man. I understand he may not care and I may care more than he does. I am not sure its really my place to say anymore .

I just feel like this type of attitude is terrible for business owners. Its like a huge corporation's mindset but but within one person , and I realized in that moment, this is how shit ends up like this. People with this “business sense” end up in charge and they don't feel bad one bit. Im honestly even more disgusted because shes suppose to be about love, compassion, healing and all that. It makes me want to distance myself from her. Our kids are close though and we are decently good friends.

I am currently building my own small business and I'd never let anyone just volunteer at an expo and give them token gifts after record sales. I wouldn't ever expect anyone to just volunteer unless I was a non profit tbh.

Would you just leave it and move on? Should I say more or is my silence saying a lot ? She can be very clueless so I doubt she really gets it.

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