
When’s a good time to give notice?

So keep in mind that I'm Canadian and my contract very clearly states that I have to give 2 weeks. I accepted a job that pays significantly more in a specialized area that I've been trying to break into for a while. I've had to do a background check which is standard, but this background check is much more in depth than anything I've ever done before. They need to confirm school and employment history. My only problem is that my boss for one of previous jobs quite clearly told me he'll destroy my life for quitting on him. Normally, I wouldn't give a damn but now I'm worried as hell that he'll try to torpedo this new job if the background check people call him. I was the only employee working for him since it's a very small business. The only proof I have of working there are texts…

So keep in mind that I'm Canadian and my contract very clearly states that I have to give 2 weeks.

I accepted a job that pays significantly more in a specialized area that I've been trying to break into for a while.

I've had to do a background check which is standard, but this background check is much more in depth than anything I've ever done before. They need to confirm school and employment history. My only problem is that my boss for one of previous jobs quite clearly told me he'll destroy my life for quitting on him. Normally, I wouldn't give a damn but now I'm worried as hell that he'll try to torpedo this new job if the background check people call him. I was the only employee working for him since it's a very small business. The only proof I have of working there are texts that I kept as I was quite sure he'd try to sue for the hell of it.

So I'm worried that the background check won't clear and it takes about 2 weeks to get done. I submitted everything for the background check yesterday, and signed the offer letter.

My worry is that if I give my notice on Monday, and the background check doesn't clear in two weeks or doesn't clear at all, I'll be out of a job.

Has anyone else ever dealt with this? I'm terrified.

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