
Caught My Co-Workers playing golf today.

For context I work at a large company which has a vehicle yard and back-lot. As I got to work this morning and was getting ready I saw 3 yard workers walking down the road and one had a golf club. As I drove up I saw they had a bag of golf balls and a driver and they were setting up at the edge of the yard and out into our scrap field. I drove up slow and waited for them to hit off before cheering a guy on as he slammed one over the fence. Hell Yes. This is what I love. Guy just enjoying their day and playing golf on the Man's time.

For context I work at a large company which has a vehicle yard and back-lot.
As I got to work this morning and was getting ready I saw 3 yard workers walking down the road and one had a golf club. As I drove up I saw they had a bag of golf balls and a driver and they were setting up at the edge of the yard and out into our scrap field. I drove up slow and waited for them to hit off before cheering a guy on as he slammed one over the fence.
Hell Yes. This is what I love. Guy just enjoying their day and playing golf on the Man's time.

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