
my doctor told me work was killing me, so I quit

My stress and anxiety levels have been so high after starting this new job that i have been losing my hair in chunks, throwing up in the morning, and have lost 15 pounds this month. I thought i could get through it if I upped my antidepressants, but my doctor told me my job was literally killing me. And he was right. After quitting I already feel so much better. I was working 10.5 hour days with only 1 break in a very stressful environment. This did not mesh well with my long history of mental illness. I have an interview on Monday, but I will be taking a week off to recuperate whether I get it or not. Luckily I can live on part time hours due to being in a low COL area. Even though this new job will be a paycut, it is still livable…. and most…

My stress and anxiety levels have been so high after starting this new job that i have been losing my hair in chunks, throwing up in the morning, and have lost 15 pounds this month.

I thought i could get through it if I upped my antidepressants, but my doctor told me my job was literally killing me. And he was right. After quitting I already feel so much better.

I was working 10.5 hour days with only 1 break in a very stressful environment. This did not mesh well with my long history of mental illness.

I have an interview on Monday, but I will be taking a week off to recuperate whether I get it or not. Luckily I can live on part time hours due to being in a low COL area. Even though this new job will be a paycut, it is still livable…. and most importantly, less stressful. The only issue is benefits aren't given to part time employees. Luckily, I can get on my fiances insurance in a few months. I'll be able to survive until then. I haven't had insurance in years, anyways….

Im hopeful; I've never not gotten a job after an interview. I just hope this one is less stressful than the last. They are very accomodating about the hours I need or can't do more than, so im really looking forward to the interview, even if the company doesn't have the best reputation. Either way, it's gotta be better than the mess I was in before.

Cheers to a better future!

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