
“the customer is always right”

By far my least favorite part of working is being verbally abused and condescended to. The customer is literally never right. Never. So why do they keep treating employees like this? Because we let them. We are afraid to lose our jobs so we shove down our dignity. I hoping for a time soon where we can tell people that they can not talk to us like that and that if they want to be served then they have to show some respect, and thats that. If you cant speak to me like a human being then you can get the fuck out of the store. How do you think we as the majority could make something like this a reality in all customer service positions?

By far my least favorite part of working is being verbally abused and condescended to. The customer is literally never right. Never. So why do they keep treating employees like this? Because we let them. We are afraid to lose our jobs so we shove down our dignity.

I hoping for a time soon where we can tell people that they can not talk to us like that and that if they want to be served then they have to show some respect, and thats that. If you cant speak to me like a human being then you can get the fuck out of the store.

How do you think we as the majority could make something like this a reality in all customer service positions?

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