The top three stresses in life are Health, Money and relationships. All 3 play into each other. Money stress causes poor relationships, it also puts us in a position to not be able to invest in our health because let's face it. The high-quality tools and resources we need cost more than the low quality as the world was designed to keep us sick. Sick people are a huge profit. Sick people also are controllable since we are in survival mode just trying to make it through. Stress of any sort is the number one cause of disease. When we Are stressed and sick we are not at our full potential usually being toxic to the people around us therefore the relationships fail.
Imagine being in a position where you are properly educated on how to achieve true health so you have the knowledge and tools to reverse any health issue and become a vibrant happy light in this sick dark world. You become a magnet and people are drawn to you just by you getting healthy. You start making money showing others how to accomplish what you have. The relationships around you start to thrive because our outer world is a projection of our inner selves and you wake up happy, energetic and excited for life. You are the change you want to see in the world therefore you become an inspiration to those around you. They get better, they get healthier and happier, and they start to prosper financially. We are all set free from being a prisoner of our bodies and or financial situations, creating abundant lives and more sincere relationships.
There is no shortage of sick depressed broke people in this world. The system that was built does not work.
Do you know what feels good? Doing something with purpose that is making a difference in the world. Being of service to our people and not only setting yourself free but everyone around you.
I've dedicated my last 3 years to this mission and in those 3 years I've reversed my autoimmune disorder ( lupus) my depression, anxiety, arthritis, acne, eczema, brain fog, lethargy, addiction issue, bloating and gut issues. I've helped families reverse their cancer, shrank their tumours, rid their depression, anxiety, and neurological issues, and get rid of their glasses. Others I work alongside have reversed fibromyalgia, Alzheimer's AHDH, and vaccine-induced autism.
I quit my job, I work from home while raising/growing my food. I pulled my children from Daycare/school and raise/educate them.
One week I made 4500 dollars and in the past 48 hours, I've made 3200 Canadian dollars. Those who have dedicated their lives to taking charge of their health are also making money.
This is how we are going to free ourselves and our people. We are stronger together!