
I was called in on Thursday half an hour before my job opened asking me to come in

This is gonna be a bit long winded and a bit of a vent so I apologize in advance. So I'm currently on a short week holiday from uni and I had nothing planned so I messaged my boss last week Friday and asked if she could schedule me so I had something to do and her response was basically “we'll see''. So I went on about my week, sleeping in, doing assignments, whatever, when on Thursday morning, I get phoned awake by my boss asking if I could come in, it's an emergency because they're short staffed. I live the furthest away from my job than literally everyone and I rely on my parents for lifts. I said yes but it's gonna be an hour or two before I'm able to get a lift and my boss has the audacity to tell me to take an uber. Right now,…

This is gonna be a bit long winded and a bit of a vent so I apologize in advance.

So I'm currently on a short week holiday from uni and I had nothing planned so I messaged my boss last week Friday and asked if she could schedule me so I had something to do and her response was basically “we'll see''. So I went on about my week, sleeping in, doing assignments, whatever, when on Thursday morning, I get phoned awake by my boss asking if I could come in, it's an emergency because they're short staffed.

I live the furthest away from my job than literally everyone and I rely on my parents for lifts. I said yes but it's gonna be an hour or two before I'm able to get a lift and my boss has the audacity to tell me to take an uber. Right now, bus, taxi and uber drivers are striking so it's super expensive and there are literally no drivers, so I told her that if I catch an uber, I expected to be reimbursed, if not, they can wait.

Anyway I managed to get in only half an hour after opening, only for my sister to tell me “oh they're not that busy, I didn't need to stress”. I was pretty annoyed but I stayed and got paid. Then on Friday (yesterday) I worked a shift for a friend because I didn't want to work Saturday (today) only for me to be by myself most of the day, with so few co-workers I couldn't even really take bathroom breaks. That's excluding the fact that 2 fights nearly broke out and we literally didn't have enough staff to call security. There were 7/8 staff members dealing with 200-300 guests, if not more on a pay day and school holiday weekend.

On top of all of that, some of my coworkers couldn't be found anywhere when we needed them. I had to walk off outside to get away from everyone I was so angry. While still in an angry stupor I messaged my boss a long winded message about how dangerous it was of them to do that and how unfair it was only to be met with “thank you for bringing this to our attention, we'll look into it”. I'm so done at this point. I've made myself a promise that if I'm ever put in that situation again, I'm clocking out and going home. I refuse to be put in situations like that when we have enough staff but they just don't schedule enough.

Again, this is mostly venting so I apologize for the length.

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