

Some context: I’m a cashier, I have worked at my current store for 1.5 years, but I’ve worked for the company for almost 4 years. Over the past year, I’ve noticed a lack of respect coming from my coworkers, certain lower management, and customers. Going to work no longer makes me happy, and I truly enjoy being a cashier. Im moving cities in a few months, and will have to find another job, so I don’t see the point in quitting now, especially since it’s my only source of income and I have rent to pay. I really want to just scream “that’s it, I’m done!” And storm out. Any advice is appreciated.

Some context: I’m a cashier, I have worked at my current store for 1.5 years, but I’ve worked for the company for almost 4 years. Over the past year, I’ve noticed a lack of respect coming from my coworkers, certain lower management, and customers. Going to work no longer makes me happy, and I truly enjoy being a cashier. Im moving cities in a few months, and will have to find another job, so I don’t see the point in quitting now, especially since it’s my only source of income and I have rent to pay. I really want to just scream “that’s it, I’m done!” And storm out. Any advice is appreciated.

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