
What Dick Moves Have You Witnessed from Corporate Management?

Over the years, I've seen a variety of shitty behavior from upper-level management personnel. I'll list a few. When I was younger, I was friends with most of the employees at a particular chain restaurant (that is totally not related to a certain red fruit with a bee on the end). New girl is hired. She's kind of different, but what do you expect when you only pay $2.50 an hour. Corporate manager visits one day, sees new girl. Gets upset because new girl wrinkled her nose when walking by a stinky customer. Orders her to be immediately drug tested. New girl was 420 afficionado. Got fired. Note: everyone smoked, including corporate. Can only guess the corporate bitch wanted the girl to have it on her record that she was terminated for drug use. Same restaurant chain – corporate executed an across the board pay cut for all restaurant level…

Over the years, I've seen a variety of shitty behavior from upper-level management personnel. I'll list a few.

When I was younger, I was friends with most of the employees at a particular chain restaurant (that is totally not related to a certain red fruit with a bee on the end). New girl is hired. She's kind of different, but what do you expect when you only pay $2.50 an hour. Corporate manager visits one day, sees new girl. Gets upset because new girl wrinkled her nose when walking by a stinky customer. Orders her to be immediately drug tested. New girl was 420 afficionado. Got fired. Note: everyone smoked, including corporate. Can only guess the corporate bitch wanted the girl to have it on her record that she was terminated for drug use.

Same restaurant chain – corporate executed an across the board pay cut for all restaurant level managers, including slashing vacation and bonuses.

While in the Army, a platoon leader got a poor performance review because he had resigned from the O-Club. He had quit for personal reasons having to do with his wife and newborn, but that did not matter to his Commanding Officer.

A co-worker had been disciplined for not working on Sundays. He decided to fight back. Created an email with attachments documenting unethical behavior by upper management. It blew up. There was an email chain of multiple responses and additional information added. The entire email chain was deleted (at the IT level?) by order of the division director (hereafter referred to as Asshat). Co-worker was fired and backdated [poor] performance reviews were created (he sued, got a settlement a few years later).

Upper-level staff meeting – Asshat issued a directive. Compliance officer advised such a move would be illegal and could result in the DOJ investigating (this was his job to point out things like this). He was demoted a few days later.

Co-worker found a better job. He was well liked and a going away party was held in his honor. He made a few jokes about Asshat during the party. Asshat had later attempted to contact former coworker's new company and malign him (unknown if he succeeded or not).

I could go on and on, but that's enough from me.

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