
PSA: HR is not your friend. If you have some evidence of legal wronging by the company, go to your labour board first. HR will protect the company, oftentimes at your expense.

I’ve been seeing posts about people who have recordings, transcripts, etc. of their bosses/coworkers committing various illegal offences (discriminating against a protected class, ignoring labour laws, etc.) and when looking at the comments, the vast majority can be attributed to two sentiments; “Go tell HR!” and “Do NOT tell HR, they’ll bury it—and you!”. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don’t make this mistake. Labour boards, unions and such exist to protect you and your rights. HR exists to protect the company and their ideals. Maybe you have evidence that HR can’t ignore. Maybe your HR department actually has morals and empathy. But it’s not worth rolling the dice on.

I’ve been seeing posts about people who have recordings, transcripts, etc. of their bosses/coworkers committing various illegal offences (discriminating against a protected class, ignoring labour laws, etc.) and when looking at the comments, the vast majority can be attributed to two sentiments; “Go tell HR!” and “Do NOT tell HR, they’ll bury it—and you!”.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don’t make this mistake. Labour boards, unions and such exist to protect you and your rights. HR exists to protect the company and their ideals. Maybe you have evidence that HR can’t ignore. Maybe your HR department actually has morals and empathy. But it’s not worth rolling the dice on.

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