
Infinite loop of hell

This is more of a general vent more than anything. I love my job, I tell myself as I work close to 9 hour shifts without a single break. I love my job, I tell myself when I’m told that I’m not allowed a meal on my occasional lunch breaks. I love my job, I tell myself as my managers remind me that I’m not entitled to a break because I’m over 18. Yet when I jump on LinkedIn and Indeed, every job I apply to feels like a dead end. My degree in Professional Writing feels useless and I feel like I’ve just wasted everyone’s time and money just to have them support me. I’ve published a book online, I’ve got side gigs revolving around the school year where I’m helping tutor or helping teachers grade their students work. But that’s not enough. I don’t have 5+ years experience…

This is more of a general vent more than anything.

I love my job, I tell myself as I work close to 9 hour shifts without a single break. I love my job, I tell myself when I’m told that I’m not allowed a meal on my occasional lunch breaks. I love my job, I tell myself as my managers remind me that I’m not entitled to a break because I’m over 18.

Yet when I jump on LinkedIn and Indeed, every job I apply to feels like a dead end. My degree in Professional Writing feels useless and I feel like I’ve just wasted everyone’s time and money just to have them support me.

I’ve published a book online, I’ve got side gigs revolving around the school year where I’m helping tutor or helping teachers grade their students work. But that’s not enough.

I don’t have 5+ years experience in copywriting for an entry level job. Every single job I apply to, whether it’s paid internship, entry level or even just a tad higher is a dead end. I either hear a no from them or I just get ignored entirely.

But then I have to listen to people tell me that “nobody wants to work anymore.”

No, I’m just tired of working at what feels like a dead end job (Burger King) and then getting completely ignored when I make the effort to try and break into the writing field.

I’m so tired from work most days, original availability was 4 but they push me to work until 5 or 6, but I force myself to push through and try to jump back into my novels.

I’m so tired but I try to put out my writing online, whether it’s short stories or even me starting to branch out to write game reviews or anything that might help me in the long run.

I’m so tired of trying and feeling like I’m just one massive failure.

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