
Ongoing intimidation and retaliation

I'm at a loss… So I've been posting about the horrible things this job has been putting me through. I am still looking for legal help but need advice about the most recent interaction I've had with management. Here's what's happened so far: *I spoke out against a policy where we were told we cannot put a customer on hold, basically for ANY reason, including abusive language. *Shortly after this, I was pulled for coaching over a joke another agent made after I said that I needed to speak to someone about the policy. I was threatened with corrective action if caught using it. *After being abused to my wits end by customers, I sent out a local office email about an abusive customer and told them that since we're not allowed to use hold, I expected them to do something about abusive customers. * I was written up due…

I'm at a loss…

So I've been posting about the horrible things this job has been putting me through. I am still looking for legal help but need advice about the most recent interaction I've had with management.

Here's what's happened so far:

*I spoke out against a policy where we were told we cannot put a customer on hold, basically for ANY reason, including abusive language.
*Shortly after this, I was pulled for coaching over a joke another agent made after I said that I needed to speak to someone about the policy. I was threatened with corrective action if caught using it.
*After being abused to my wits end by customers, I sent out a local office email about an abusive customer and told them that since we're not allowed to use hold, I expected them to do something about abusive customers.
* I was written up due to this email, and none of this would have happened if I'd not been told about the inability to use the hold policy.
* Throughout this period I've been unfairly and almost constantly coached about “professionalism”, which included things that other agents had done.


  • I was pulled by management AGAIN. I asked what this was about and was told it was a “wellness check”.
  • I explained that I have been upset about how often I'm being abused by customers with no way to protect myself when they cross the line of acceptable behavior.
  • After being told repeatedly that I can't use hold, I was told that I was wrong, and I SHOULD have gone to management about it (I did but they either don't remember or totally ignored me at the time).
  • Everyone has been told not to use hold by multiple supervisors. They are trying to act like what I've been upset about was apparently never an issue. Now I have to prove that I've been threatened with write ups for using hold. One of these people was involved in a former write up and mentioned NOTHING about the apparent misinformation, even though it was the entire reason I've been having trouble at work… For at least Two months now.

I think they caught wind that I was working on a civil complaint, but now I don't know what to do. I think they know that this completely derails what I was working on. This was just a badly masked attempt to backpedal on something they must have found out was actually illegal to do, AS WELL AS AN ATTEMPT TO INTIMIDATE ME. There was language used like, “we just want to make sure you're happy here”… So. It was crappy and underhanded but I think they legally covered themselves by making me look like I just misunderstood something…

And I really need advice about it. I have no idea what to do now.

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