
My previous bully of a team leader bumped into me, tried to insult me, and it backfired.

Can I start by saying I am in no way trying to boast that I'm doing well now. I don't see what that could achieve given it's anonymous, so I'm not using this to show off. I used to work for a large bank but I had an unimportant low paid job there. My team leader, a woman in her 40s (I was in my 20s) just seemed to pick on me and I honestly think she felt there was some competitive edge because we both used to go to the same gym at the same time before work. We once had a department charity thing where we would collectively have to cycle a certain distance on an exercise bike. Everyone did a 30 minute shift but it became a friendly unofficial competition to see who could cover the most distance in that 30 minutes. I took my turn immediately…

Can I start by saying I am in no way trying to boast that I'm doing well now. I don't see what that could achieve given it's anonymous, so I'm not using this to show off.

I used to work for a large bank but I had an unimportant low paid job there. My team leader, a woman in her 40s (I was in my 20s) just seemed to pick on me and I honestly think she felt there was some competitive edge because we both used to go to the same gym at the same time before work.

We once had a department charity thing where we would collectively have to cycle a certain distance on an exercise bike. Everyone did a 30 minute shift but it became a friendly unofficial competition to see who could cover the most distance in that 30 minutes.

I took my turn immediately after her, and she was in good shape and had achieved a very good distance. I just couldn't match it, as I was trying I couldn't understand how she had done so well because I was nearly dying just trying to match her distance. After I finished my 30 minutes she told me “Saw you struggling there… I couldn't have you beating me so before I got off the bike I changed the resistance setting to hard.” It was for charity.

There was also a time when someone asked me how long I'd been going to the gym and when I said ten years she interrupted “HA, I'd be asking for my money back if I was you.” I then replied “Well I still have time to get myself in shape” and she logged a formal complaint against me for insinuating her age was a factor. I did do that. I did insinuate that so I was being ageist which is wrong, but I only did it in retaliation to her unprovoked insult.

I left that work years ago and now have a much better paid job and I'm very fortunate to live in a close in a desirable area of the city. I was out jogging the other morning and as I was returning home, she was out powerwalking right by my close, so we stopped and said hello. I hoped things might be polite now but the first thing she said was “Hey, what are you doing around this area? The locals will probably call the police if they see someone like you around here.” and I was so happy because I got to reply “Well I doubt the locals would call the police on me given the locals are my neighbours. I literally live just in this close, that's my house at the end there. So same question to you, what are you doing around this area? It's a nice area. Do I have to call the police?”

She actually took it well and dropped the bitch act and we had a nice chat which was completely unexpected. But I'm glad it ended that way.

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