
We live in one of the societies our teachers told us our ancestors got away from

Remember in school when teachers taught us why our immigrant ancestors left their home countries. Among them were cultural reasons like, a woman who laughed loud in public gets beaten by authorities, a man who doesn't bow his head to a baron walking by on street risks getting executed, a person who goes to church with messy hair gets ostracized from community. To a point America had cultural extremes like this too in the past but still, our ancestors did choose this place over their homeland. We became one of those countries our ancestors left when it became normal for a cashier to get fired for not smiling or when a worker is reprimanded discussing thrift stores because it makes the boss look like he doesn't pay enough. We became one of those countries with purity standards, intended to enable the social hierarchy, constantly pushed by culture.

Remember in school when teachers taught us why our immigrant ancestors left their home countries.

Among them were cultural reasons like, a woman who laughed loud in public gets beaten by authorities, a man who doesn't bow his head to a baron walking by on street risks getting executed, a person who goes to church with messy hair gets ostracized from community.

To a point America had cultural extremes like this too in the past but still, our ancestors did choose this place over their homeland.

We became one of those countries our ancestors left when it became normal for a cashier to get fired for not smiling or when a worker is reprimanded discussing thrift stores because it makes the boss look like he doesn't pay enough.

We became one of those countries with purity standards, intended to enable the social hierarchy, constantly pushed by culture.

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