
Anti work has lost its way

Let me begin saying I actually used to really care about this sub, and it helped me through some shitty working conditions. this sub used to actually mean something, actually talking about and supporting people who’ve had terrible jobs and how to deal with the challenges of improving your conditions in those jobs, but now it’s just a circle jerk of pretentious assholes thinking they shouldn’t have to do anything and that humans were meant to hang out all day and swim in the ocean or frolic in the forest. You can go hang out at the ocean and play in the forest all you want but unless you wanna go out and build your own house in the woods or on a beach you’re going to have to work. No miracle will happen so that every need of yours is fulfilled without you having to lift a finger. I’m…

Let me begin saying I actually used to really care about this sub, and it helped me through some shitty working conditions.

this sub used to actually mean something, actually talking about and supporting people who’ve had terrible jobs and how to deal with the challenges of improving your conditions in those jobs, but now it’s just a circle jerk of pretentious assholes thinking they shouldn’t have to do anything and that humans were meant to hang out all day and swim in the ocean or frolic in the forest.

You can go hang out at the ocean and play in the forest all you want but unless you wanna go out and build your own house in the woods or on a beach you’re going to have to work. No miracle will happen so that every need of yours is fulfilled without you having to lift a finger.

I’m so tired of seeing kids who have no plan and are about to graduate high school post on here saying how “work is bullshit and my parents are dumb for making me get a job” because I used to be one of those morons, I used to have panic attacks even thinking about going to work. But if you ever want to improve your conditions you’re going to have to do something, anything. You’re going to have to grow the fuck up.

If you’re waiting for society’s eventual collapse so you don’t have to work, what are you going to do until then? How are you going to survive when the power goes out and the door dash drivers can’t deliver your food anymore. Do you know how to set up solar panels? Do you know how to hunt or grow vegetables? DO SOMETHING AT LEAST, TAKE ONLINE SCHOOL, WORK A SHIT JOB UNTIL YOU HAVE ENOUGH TO FUCK OFF INTO THE WOODS


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