
How?? Why??

I just saw the most depressing working environment I have ever seen. I work in sales. I was visiting a large biopharmaceutical plant. As I am walking/being escorted through, to get to a conference room, I see rows and rows of the most horrific “desks” I have ever seen. They are all 2 monitors wide, plus a smidge on either side. Partitions next to the monitors between desks. Nothing between the chairs. The desks were only about 1 – 2 feet deep. Not even a cube. Literally a desk. How do you work like that? Saw people on the phone, saw people on a webcall. All headphones thankfully but my god. If your neighbor farted, you would feel the breeze! Before I was remote based, (thankfully for the last 7 years) I had a similar job. However, I had a large L shaped cube with higher walls. I was open…

I just saw the most depressing working environment I have ever seen. I work in sales. I was visiting a large biopharmaceutical plant. As I am walking/being escorted through, to get to a conference room, I see rows and rows of the most horrific “desks” I have ever seen.
They are all 2 monitors wide, plus a smidge on either side. Partitions next to the monitors between desks. Nothing between the chairs. The desks were only about 1 – 2 feet deep. Not even a cube. Literally a desk. How do you work like that? Saw people on the phone, saw people on a webcall. All headphones thankfully but my god. If your neighbor farted, you would feel the breeze!

Before I was remote based, (thankfully for the last 7 years) I had a similar job. However, I had a large L shaped cube with higher walls. I was open to the person behind me but I couldn't reach them if I tried. Big cubes.

I could never, ever, work in an environment like that, regardless of how much they paid me.

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