
Is it fair for my boss to demote me?

I’m 17 and have been working for a company for 14 months. I started at bottom level making 7.00 an hour +tips, but I as promoted 5 months in and now makes good wage for my age. My new position is also much easier and more comfortable. There is now a new GM who thinks it’s ‘unprofessional’ that I am in the position I am in now. I have heard from other managers that he says it’s disrespectful to the employees 3 times my age that I am making 2-3 times their pay. Because of this he wants me to go back to my original position. This completely messed up my life at the moment. I decided to enroll in a big university with the expectation that I can afford to go there. Is demoting me legal? And even if it is, how can I keep them from demoting me.

I’m 17 and have been working for a company for 14 months. I started at bottom level making 7.00 an hour +tips, but I as promoted 5 months in and now makes good wage for my age. My new position is also much easier and more comfortable.

There is now a new GM who thinks it’s ‘unprofessional’ that I am in the position I am in now. I have heard from other managers that he says it’s disrespectful to the employees 3 times my age that I am making 2-3 times their pay. Because of this he wants me to go back to my original position.

This completely messed up my life at the moment. I decided to enroll in a big university with the expectation that I can afford to go there.

Is demoting me legal? And even if it is, how can I keep them from demoting me.

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