
I am quitting my job in a few hours

I am taking a step towards being a better mother, wife, and human being by quitting a job that drains me. I am taking a 20k pay cut but I am reclaiming my life. I'm nervous what my boss will say because I don't have a replacement or anyone that can take over my work and I am newer to the company. Regardless of my bosses reaction or retaliation, I just can't do this anymore. I want my life back.

I am taking a step towards being a better mother, wife, and human being by quitting a job that drains me. I am taking a 20k pay cut but I am reclaiming my life. I'm nervous what my boss will say because I don't have a replacement or anyone that can take over my work and I am newer to the company. Regardless of my bosses reaction or retaliation, I just can't do this anymore. I want my life back.

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