
My manager and assistant manager get annoying and passive aggressive towards me whenever I try to take a break

Hello, I work part time at a gas station. It's my 1st job I've ever had and I've been working there for 3 months and I'm totally not enjoying it but I need the money so I can move out of my mom house. I spend 4 or 5 hours on my feet stocking drinks in the super cold cooler, sweeping the parking lot, taking out the trash, filling up the ice dispenser thing, cleaning the restroom, and change the cleaning windshield wiper water etc. When I'm finished doing these things somtimes I have like 30 minutes until it's time for me to clock out so I just sit on this little table in the beverage room and get on my phone and drink some water I packed. Here's 2 examples of what they do to me whenever I try to take a break Last Saturday I just finished stocking…

Hello, I work part time at a gas station. It's my 1st job I've ever had and I've been working there for 3 months and I'm totally not enjoying it but I need the money so I can move out of my mom house. I spend 4 or 5 hours on my feet stocking drinks in the super cold cooler, sweeping the parking lot, taking out the trash, filling up the ice dispenser thing, cleaning the restroom, and change the cleaning windshield wiper water etc. When I'm finished doing these things somtimes I have like 30 minutes until it's time for me to clock out so I just sit on this little table in the beverage room and get on my phone and drink some water I packed. Here's 2 examples of what they do to me whenever I try to take a break

  1. Last Saturday I just finished stocking some more drinks in the cooler and I think I had 15 minutes left until I can clock out, so I went ahead and took a break. A few minutes later the assistant manager comes barging in the beverage room and tells me “YoU NeED tO StOcK THeSe DRinKs” So I stock x drinks, close the cooler door, and go back to taking my break. Guess what she comes back, opens the cooler and tells me the same thing and takes a crate of Monster drinks in the cooler. I put it back because I stocked them HOURS ago and those rows were still full. She kept this up even after it was time for me to clock out.

  2. Now today I finished doing what I do and I was totally exhausted and tried to take a break. My manager comes in and says “Get up and make some soap water and come clean this dirty wall, I will show you”. She proceeds to show me a “dirty” wall that needs to be cleaned. Now I've been working here for 3 months and she has never told me to clean a damn wall. I quickly finished cleaning that wall and dump the water in the sink and then she asks me if done cleaning the wall and I said yes. Then she shows me ANOTHER “dirty” wall that needs to be cleaned. I get finished with that and go back to taking a break and she comes back and says “SiNcE YoUr'Re SiTTiNG dOwN AnD FiNiShED YoU CaN gO AHeaD AnD LeAVE.”

Both of them take breaks by sitting down behind the cash register counter and be on their phones or go outside for smoke breaks, and it's fine for them. But when I try to take a break, somehow it's a problem and do whatever they can to stop me from taking a break. Really getting on my nerves

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