
I got written up for something I couldn’t see coming.

I got written up for missing a shift. That seems pretty cut and dry, “You didn't show, so you get a write up.” Problem is, They changed my shift time without warning. Typically, I work 5-Close (11 PM or so.) We have an app that tells us when we are supposed to come in. I glanced over it, saw the 5-X of today and just assumed it was business as usual. I was getting ready for work on Friday, when I get a call. Manager basically tells me that I was supposed to be there at 9:30 AM. With very few exceptions, I've never worked anything that isn't 5-X. The earliest I've worked in a day is 1 PM. I wasn't even awake until 11 or so. (I'm a night owl.) When they hired me, I told them I needed consistency with my shifts, and I thought everything was fine.…

I got written up for missing a shift.

That seems pretty cut and dry, “You didn't show, so you get a write up.”

Problem is, They changed my shift time without warning. Typically, I work 5-Close (11 PM or so.)

We have an app that tells us when we are supposed to come in. I glanced over it, saw the 5-X of today and just assumed it was business as usual.

I was getting ready for work on Friday, when I get a call. Manager basically tells me that I was supposed to be there at 9:30 AM. With very few exceptions, I've never worked anything that isn't 5-X. The earliest I've worked in a day is 1 PM. I wasn't even awake until 11 or so. (I'm a night owl.)

When they hired me, I told them I needed consistency with my shifts, and I thought everything was fine. My other shifts were 5-X or close to that.

Feeling a bit upset and cheated. Any advice as to what to do?

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