
I once got screwed over for doing my job as a comedian too well

I used to be a stand-up comic. One night I worked a one-nighter that I'd done many times before and usually have good shows but this time I was working with a headliner after me who wasn't very funny. The club who always wanted me to head line, gave me a significant tip of a hundred bucks which is roughly the same as what you got paid for that gig. I made the mistake of asking the other comic if they got a tip because nearly every other time I did get tipped all the comics got tipped, but she did not. She complained to the booker that I got paid more than her which is not true she got a paid exactly what she was promised. However the booker decided to split MY TIP with her and cut my pay by 50 bucks. The only reason I got a…

I used to be a stand-up comic. One night I worked a one-nighter that I'd done many times before and usually have good shows but this time I was working with a headliner after me who wasn't very funny. The club who always wanted me to head line, gave me a significant tip of a hundred bucks which is roughly the same as what you got paid for that gig. I made the mistake of asking the other comic if they got a tip because nearly every other time I did get tipped all the comics got tipped, but she did not. She complained to the booker that I got paid more than her which is not true she got a paid exactly what she was promised. However the booker decided to split MY TIP with her and cut my pay by 50 bucks. The only reason I got a tip is that she sucked so bad and you rewarded her by stealing half of my tip and giving it to her. Needless to say I've never worked for that Booker again and it ended a 15-year friendship.

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