
Haven’t been going to work and apparently no one noticed

I don’t know if no one actually noticed or if they just haven’t reached out to me. I made a post in this sub a couple days ago saying how the schedule was released incredibly last minute and how I wasn’t gonna show up for my next shift. There are also other things about this job that I was getting fed up with so I ended up getting a new job that doesn’t start till next month. But I really thought someone from the job was gonna reach out to me asking why I haven’t been at my shifts. I’ve missed two so far and I haven’t heard once from the boss or HR. I just find it.. weird. But I’m definitely relieved in a way. Isn’t it kinda strange though? Wouldn’t they wanna reach out to their employee who hasn’t been showing up? Ultimately it just proves to me…

I don’t know if no one actually noticed or if they just haven’t reached out to me. I made a post in this sub a couple days ago saying how the schedule was released incredibly last minute and how I wasn’t gonna show up for my next shift. There are also other things about this job that I was getting fed up with so I ended up getting a new job that doesn’t start till next month.

But I really thought someone from the job was gonna reach out to me asking why I haven’t been at my shifts. I’ve missed two so far and I haven’t heard once from the boss or HR. I just find it.. weird. But I’m definitely relieved in a way.

Isn’t it kinda strange though? Wouldn’t they wanna reach out to their employee who hasn’t been showing up? Ultimately it just proves to me that I made the right decision finding a new job.

Additionally I have even more free time now and I can’t be spending a bunch of money right now, but if anyone has ideas for things I can do in my free time, let me know

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