
I’m still bitter about it.

On Thursday, December 14th of 2021, I was fired unfairly from my job. I live in South Carolina. My job was to inspect and package bags of pork rinds. One of the supervisors (SUP1) was romantically involved with a coworker of mine (C1). He would allow her to bully me. He was supervisor, so he had power. It was always his word against mine. No one believed me, listened to me, or understood me. I became acquainted with a woman (C2) who worked there at the time. She was the only person I trusted. She told me what she heard SUP 1 saying about me. She told me that SUP 1 was going to try to get me fired. Everyone would talk bad about me and spread rumors behind my back. Another coworker who I thought I could trust, (C3), told management about the grievance meeting I wanted to have.…

On Thursday, December 14th of 2021, I was fired unfairly from my job. I live in South Carolina. My job was to inspect and package bags of pork rinds. One of the supervisors (SUP1) was romantically involved with a coworker of mine (C1). He would allow her to bully me. He was supervisor, so he had power. It was always his word against mine. No one believed me, listened to me, or understood me. I became acquainted with a woman (C2) who worked there at the time. She was the only person I trusted. She told me what she heard SUP 1 saying about me. She told me that SUP 1 was going to try to get me fired. Everyone would talk bad about me and spread rumors behind my back. Another coworker who I thought I could trust, (C3), told management about the grievance meeting I wanted to have. I had asked C3 if she would attend a grievance meeting if other employees wanted to band together to make the workplace better. She said she would. Then a few days later, she turns around and betrays me by telling management that I want to lead a meeting. I believe C3 got me fired. All I tried to do was help make the workplace better. One time, I gave C3 $20. She was in need. I felt bad for her. She did my hair for me sometimes. Of course I lent her the money. She was supposed to pay me back, but didn't. I was fired for trying to make work a better place. I wanted to complete a list of all regular staff member complaints. I was never pushing for violence. I just wanted to talk. I wanted checks & balances of power. I wanted understanding. I wanted peace. I asked lots of coworkers for their voices. Only a few said they would help. Everyone was was fake. I tried explaining all of this to the temp agency I was under contract with.They didn't want to listen. They didn't care. I called the temp agency more than once to argue my case. I wanted to push back against my termination in court. My calls and emails were ignored. I tried to settle differences and conflicts in an organized and respectful manner. I got fired for it. It’s just not fair. I am still bitter about everything. Don't I have any rights? Is there anything I can do?

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