
The most unprofessional job I’ve ever had

Please forgive me if the formatting is weird, I’m typing on my phone. Working at subway isn’t the most glamours of jobs on the best of days, but some locations are worst than others. Case and point, my location. My store is owned by a man that has 2 other locations within a 20 mile radius of each other. He bought them for dirt cheap during the beginning of the pandemic. Coming from a corporate job he had no prior experience in the restaurant industry but he trudged on nonetheless. I joined the team late October and quickly rose to the position of general manager without any prior experience because he was desperate for someone to run the store other than himself. My boss is in way over his head. The company has threatened to take one of the stores away if it fails another audit. Also, they filed a…

Please forgive me if the formatting is weird, I’m typing on my phone.

 Working at subway isn’t the most glamours of jobs on the best of days, but some locations are worst than others. Case and point, my location. 

 My store is owned by a man that has 2 other locations within a 20 mile radius of each other. He bought them for dirt cheap during the beginning of the pandemic. Coming from a corporate job he had no prior experience in the restaurant industry but he trudged on nonetheless. I joined the team late October and quickly rose to the position of general manager without any prior experience because he was desperate for someone to run the store other than himself.

My boss is in way over his head. The company has threatened to take one of the stores away if it fails another audit. Also, they filed a lawsuit against him for not updating the POS system at my store . The new system has been sitting on the floor for weeks. He knows how to do it but he hasn’t yet, and I have no idea how to do it myself.

 My boss has failed to pay some employees that worked for us in the past. Even though they provided the necessary documentation to receive it. We’re also so desperate for people he wouldn’t let me fire a 42 year old employee who showed up drunk to work. He was closing with a 17 year old and threw up all over himself and the dining room. 

He would show up drunk all the time and it affected the way he worked, I would have to tell him the same thing over and over again. I felt bad for him because he is homeless and seems like he has some mental health issues . However he was a mess, he always smelt like BO and beer. He had a bad habit of lying, is racist, homophobic, and anti semetic. He also got fired from the local grocery store for calling a gay employee a homophobic slur and stealing. 

Eventually he walked out on me though after I wasn’t happy when he showed up 2 hours late without communicating to me, because he had another interview. I think he’s no longer working there either.

When I first started my boss hired an assistant manager to help me learn the ropes and finish my tasks. He is 10 years my senior and married . He ended up sending me really inappropriate messages and a dick pic even after I told him that makes me uncomfortable. 

However my boss threatened to fire me when I brought my concerns about sexual harassment to his attention. He seemed annoyed that I brought it up and said, “it’s a small town people talk.” Blaming my coworkers actions on me for being nice to him. He said because there were only inappropriate messages he couldn’t do anything to help me besides making us work less together. 

Now that I’ve expressed my desire to leave he’s begged me to stay until the end of the summer(our busiest season). Even though, to be perfectly honest, I am not cut out for this position and it should go to someone who can handle the boss, karens, and employees. 

He makes me feel undermined and like I can’t run my store properly or by myself. I work 50 hour weeks and tried my best but it wasn’t enough and my mental health is taking a huge hit because of it.

Though I get compensated fairly I still don’t get health insurance through the company. I do however thankfully get 2 weeks PTO. He tried to deny me my requested time off over the 4th of July weekend for a family reunion, because as a manager I shouldn’t take the busiest weekend off. Though I have only ever requested 2 days off since I’ve been here and have called out 1. 

I also have not received a servsafe certification nor has the owner helped me get started on the right track for it. So we have an expired certificate hanging on the wall from the previous GM that left a year ago. There is a also a fire extinguisher that is almost expired by 10 years. So if we have a fire we better hope the fire department shows up quickly, or the gas station were located in has a working one. 

I don’t feel like it’s fair to my employees to bullshit them about this job. I don’t want to be here so why should I expect them to want to be? There is a reason why we have a constant revolving door of people and I don’t want to be a part of this shit show any longer.

Edit: added clarifying paragraphs

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