
I never stood up for something this much before in my life

I wrote here before about the safety hazards at my hospital in regards to my patients. Today I emailed the CEO on his week off and got everything off my chest. He responded to me and asked me if he could share my email with others leadership at work. I said sure. He sent my email to bunch of managers (however he also emailed a guy that I told everyone that he gave me unfair investigation the one who sent my private phone calls to my department and added to the abuse). I think this is the time to give up and just quit. My coworker told me to call out tomorrow and take a day to cool off and see what happens. I feel in my gut that nothing will change. I never stood up for something this much in my life. I guess I will never win this…

I wrote here before about the safety hazards at my hospital in regards to my patients. Today I emailed the CEO on his week off and got everything off my chest. He responded to me and asked me if he could share my email with others leadership at work. I said sure. He sent my email to bunch of managers (however he also emailed a guy that I told everyone that he gave me unfair investigation the one who sent my private phone calls to my department and added to the abuse). I think this is the time to give up and just quit. My coworker told me to call out tomorrow and take a day to cool off and see what happens.
I feel in my gut that nothing will change.
I never stood up for something this much in my life. I guess I will never win this one

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