
What if we started a union and a movment?

To expand, What if we start to form a comunity and obtain a website as well as form the goals of the anti work movment? As of now when I am on this sub reddit I see a bunch of diffrent people just venting about issues that they have. What if we colectivly formed a real movment with clear goals? With faces and singular voices? Something that could be seen as people forming behind a singular leader and a face of the movment? Where would we start? (I have no idea) What are our real goals? (What ia the sourse of our frustrations?) What are the paths we are willing to go down for this movment? (Matches? Walkouts? Strikes?) I belive the movement isnt taken seriously because it is all memes and bitching without any real action. Just reposts of other peoples actions and no real unity behind it. What…

To expand,
What if we start to form a comunity and obtain a website as well as form the goals of the anti work movment?

As of now when I am on this sub reddit I see a bunch of diffrent people just venting about issues that they have.

What if we colectivly formed a real movment with clear goals?
With faces and singular voices?
Something that could be seen as people forming behind a singular leader and a face of the movment?

Where would we start? (I have no idea)
What are our real goals? (What ia the sourse of our frustrations?)
What are the paths we are willing to go down for this movment? (Matches? Walkouts? Strikes?)

I belive the movement isnt taken seriously because it is all memes and bitching without any real action. Just reposts of other peoples actions and no real unity behind it.

What do yall think?

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