
I walked out of Pizza Hut and have never been happier.

During my interview I was told I would be hired for Monday-Friday 11am-7pm. When we tried to schedule paper work, the GM “had something come up,” totally understandable. The next day, which was a Saturday, a day I was told that I would not be necessary or scheduled, he asked me to come in and fill out paperwork. Being in a bind financially the first thought was a quick “yes thats fine,” but then, as I was sitting in a room with extended family, mourning the loss of my dear cousin (Bridget Lipinski was her name) due to a drunk driver, I thought obviously my place is here I'm sure he'll understand because he had to reschedule on me and Saturday was not discussed during the interview. Needless to say I was actually given grief for not coming in on his schedule. Fast forward to filling out the actual paperwork,…

During my interview I was told I would be hired for Monday-Friday 11am-7pm. When we tried to schedule paper work, the GM “had something come up,” totally understandable. The next day, which was a Saturday, a day I was told that I would not be necessary or scheduled, he asked me to come in and fill out paperwork. Being in a bind financially the first thought was a quick “yes thats fine,” but then, as I was sitting in a room with extended family, mourning the loss of my dear cousin (Bridget Lipinski was her name) due to a drunk driver, I thought obviously my place is here I'm sure he'll understand because he had to reschedule on me and Saturday was not discussed during the interview. Needless to say I was actually given grief for not coming in on his schedule. Fast forward to filling out the actual paperwork, the completely inept fool had to be talked through the entire process from his fellow gm that also happened to be a family member of theirs (big surprise) and still had to redo it 3 God damn times. 3 onbarings. 3!!! And my schedule somehow flipped to Wednesday-Sunday. Paperwork finally went through, they blamed me for not giving them my SS# correctly. from there boom, working full time. There was not a manager in the entire store, just the overweight GM. Weight is not my issue but when you work a job where you stand for 10+ hrs frequently, don't come up to me complaining every second your knees hurt and that your so tired you can I only do paperwork today, and those were the days the fat ass was in store. I worked full time, rarely saw the guy. Fast forward a little bit more to this last Saturday. Downtown Minneapolis Minnesota. There are hotels around everywhere, its a decently busy store. Why am I, the less than one month old employee, the only soul in the entire BOH working 4 stations at the same time and responsible for catching up on the prep. Because they don't care. They keep labor down because cost, duh. The next day I could barelybring my selfto go back but I did just to be verbally assaulted by a delivery driver that is training to be their new shift lead, “why are these pizzas being made, you know I just made a delivery, you got me running all over” like that was seriously coming out of her mouth. Sidebar she has zero, no teeth, not one. Lady I just a cook, I make pizzas and I'm killing it by myself so please stay out of my way. “I'm the shift lead I blah blah blah”. Done. I fucking quit, and have never been happier. Have no idea what I'm going to do and very little money, but enough money to buy a ticket to a dream music festival in Pennsylvania, so I'm doing it. If I got nothing out of slaving for those assholes I got a sick ass concert ticket. Fuck all the details the universe has already figured them out, i'll catch up in time. If you read this whole thing I appreciate you. Quite a rant, this actually happened this last Saturday-Sunday. The plight is real my comrades, too real.

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