
Fired without warning while they new I was trying to buy a house.

This happened about a month ago. I'm not going to give the name of the company because I know one of the owners is on Reddit and I haven't gotten everything I was promised on my last day, but it's an offroad accessory manufacturer in Portage Michigan. It uses 2 names, one for Jeep accessories and another for Toyota. That information should be plenty to work out what company I'm talking about I worked at this company for about one and a half years. I started as a part time laborer working in powder coating then the shipping department. After 6 months the owner approached me and offered me a position that would take over about a third of the Production Manager's duties. It was full time, and salaried and my wife was wanting to quit her job to take care of our new baby so I happily accepted. The…

This happened about a month ago. I'm not going to give the name of the company because I know one of the owners is on Reddit and I haven't gotten everything I was promised on my last day, but it's an offroad accessory manufacturer in Portage Michigan. It uses 2 names, one for Jeep accessories and another for Toyota. That information should be plenty to work out what company I'm talking about

I worked at this company for about one and a half years. I started as a part time laborer working in powder coating then the shipping department. After 6 months the owner approached me and offered me a position that would take over about a third of the Production Manager's duties. It was full time, and salaried and my wife was wanting to quit her job to take care of our new baby so I happily accepted. The pay wasn't incredible but it was more than I had ever made and enough to cover all our expenses without my wife working.

Everything seemed fine the entire time I held that position. I never received any poor review or corrective action and I was about to ask for a raise. About a week after I passed the one year mark in that position the general manager came into my office and told me it qsd my last day. They were adding new responsibilities to my role and didn't think I was the man for the job. So after spending late nights making sure everything would run smoothly and implementing new protocols to keep jobs moving through production as well as helping on the floor whenever needed I got dropped like a sack of shit with no warning.

The company is only about 50 employees so everyone knows everyone by name. The owner and general manager new that I have been actively looking for houses and that I currently live in a camper in my in-law's yard with my wife and daughter. They knew that I've been trying to finish bachelor's degree (that's why I was part time when I started). I blinded myself because this was a cool company to work for. I let myself believe that the owner was “one of the good ones” but in retrospect he treats and pays his employees like shit and he's a selfish bastard like all of them.

Anyway this was long enough now, so thanks for reading and fuck Capitalism

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