
Dissatisfied with my job but not sure I can find something better

So I work in an IT help desk in my area. I get paid pretty well for my industry (above the average at least). I have about 10 years of experience doing this. I have a degree. The problem is that the jobs I could apply to for which I have a degree want you to have all sorts of ridiculously difficult certs first. Anyway, I am dissatisfied because I feel like I am not advancing in my career. A few people on my team are lazy fuck offs who do very little work compared to the rest of the team. I have told the manager about it and nothing gets done. Should I go above him to his manager? I am very close to just saying fuck it and quitting one day. I dread coming in to work each day because I feel like I am just talking to…

So I work in an IT help desk in my area. I get paid pretty well for my industry (above the average at least). I have about 10 years of experience doing this. I have a degree. The problem is that the jobs I could apply to for which I have a degree want you to have all sorts of ridiculously difficult certs first.

Anyway, I am dissatisfied because I feel like I am not advancing in my career. A few people on my team are lazy fuck offs who do very little work compared to the rest of the team. I have told the manager about it and nothing gets done. Should I go above him to his manager?

I am very close to just saying fuck it and quitting one day. I dread coming in to work each day because I feel like I am just talking to angry customers whose issues are not being addressed. Management decided it was a good idea to lay off 1/3 of our department's staff.

It really feels like I am just overworking myself and staying along with the sinking ship. Should I just ride it out and see if it changes? Should I ask for a pay raise? These other people that don't do much work I am sure make more money than I do (they have been there a lot longer than I have).

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