
Just witnessed around 50 colleagues unceremoniously fired.

Well. Without input from any of the actual content team at my job, the higher ups decided we should just replace every human writer with an AI program and turn every existing writer into an AI content editor so we can pump out tons of sludge onto low-value sites. First off, i don't have the energy to explain that the way we are approaching this makes for terrible SEO. That, and I hope my suspicions are correct and this blows up on them later. Second, they put this into effect so quickly and without warning that there are now tons of people at my job that are without pay or work. Some of these workers have been with us since this company started and to see them get kicked out the door without so much as a thank-you for all the hard work? Gutting. Finally, the way this information was…

Well. Without input from any of the actual content team at my job, the higher ups decided we should just replace every human writer with an AI program and turn every existing writer into an AI content editor so we can pump out tons of sludge onto low-value sites.

First off, i don't have the energy to explain that the way we are approaching this makes for terrible SEO. That, and I hope my suspicions are correct and this blows up on them later.

Second, they put this into effect so quickly and without warning that there are now tons of people at my job that are without pay or work. Some of these workers have been with us since this company started and to see them get kicked out the door without so much as a thank-you for all the hard work? Gutting.

Finally, the way this information was disseminated throughout the company makes me nauseous. Instead of these higher ups vocalizing any of this, being available for questions, or explaining their thoughts and opening it up to feedback, they had a middle manager present this as an exciting development for the company while letting go my colleagues in the same message.

I'm in the process of trying to buy a house (shit timing there too, I know) and my life is already messy enough but so much of this situation feels like it compromises my morals and ethics, not to mention that my job description has changed from creative writing to parsing together low-quality AI scraps.

When you couple this with intrusive productivity software that monitors our devices, clicks, and keystrokes (NOT conducive to my workstyle but who cares about one of the top employees who's been here since day one?) makes me feel like all of my hard work for these people hasn't earned me an ounce of respect.

And lastly, sweet lastly. I asked to set a meeting to discuss a raise around THREE WEEKS AGO. With no response. But of course we had time to integrate our AI tools and fire everyone. So. Yeah. I'm very anti this work.

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