
Horror story Re: pool_fizzle

Try to keep this brief. Years ago I was in store management training for a large grocery store. Give you a hint: “This is the way.” Anywho, this is prior to computers for the most part, at least how we use them now. Early 2000 Towards the end of my training one of the topics/training was hiring. How, who and why the company would want to hire someone and what to look for specifically in an applicant. In black and white, there was a-long-chapter that encouraged managers to hire single mothers and to make it even more cringeworthy; suggested hiring such a demographic would be even better if they were of an ethnic diversity. Literally made me sick. As I come from a said “demographic.” It’s isn’t surprising today/yesteryear to see that most-if not all-clerks/checkers at big chain grocery markets are female and have children. The reasoning in the “manual”…

Try to keep this brief. Years ago I was in store management training for a large grocery store. Give you a hint: “This is the way.”
Anywho, this is prior to computers for the most part, at least how we use them now. Early 2000
Towards the end of my training one of the topics/training was hiring. How, who and why the company would want to hire someone and what to look for specifically in an applicant.
In black and white, there was a-long-chapter that encouraged managers to hire single mothers and to make it even more cringeworthy; suggested hiring such a demographic would be even better if they were of an ethnic diversity.
Literally made me sick. As I come from a said “demographic.”
It’s isn’t surprising today/yesteryear to see that most-if not all-clerks/checkers at big chain grocery markets are female and have children.
The reasoning in the “manual” went on to say that the “science” behind it was that these people need the job, but more importantly the benefits. That if the wage was “just enough” and the store could keep them at full time/32-40 hrs, it wouldn’t allow them the time or opportunity to find something better. Wouldn’t have time to get an education and to put it bluntly: improve their lives or quit.
I could go on and on about other things in this “training “ material that could make a normal person throw up, but the point of this story is that big business…sucks. Takes advantage…”Insert here.”
Their only goal is to make money. At whatever and whoever's cost.
This sort of “business practices” have been used for years and still is being used today. Although more discreetly because everyone now has a camera in their pocket. Wish I had the foresight to copy this manual, but I quit and found a new job. It’s truly disgusting.
Don’t believe me. Look around next time or think back over the years and see who is ringing up your groceries.

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