
I could use some advice

By all standards of Western Civilization, I am successful. I make more money than my father, I have more than enough to support my family, and I make enough to save for retirement. However, I wake up every morning and go to sleep every night feeling completely fucking empty inside. I play the lottery every now and then to get a taste of sweet, sweet hope even though I know it's a fools hope. I sometimes indulge in get-rich-quick schemes for the same reason, just a hit of that sweet hope. Hope for what? Hope that my life for the next 30 years isn't going to be like this…10 hour days, 5 days a week. The unrelenting feeling that you're wasting the best years of your life slaving away in a cubicle. Does anyone have any advice to try to push back the darkness? Before any suggests religion, I have…

By all standards of Western Civilization, I am successful. I make more money than my father, I have more than enough to support my family, and I make enough to save for retirement. However, I wake up every morning and go to sleep every night feeling completely fucking empty inside. I play the lottery every now and then to get a taste of sweet, sweet hope even though I know it's a fools hope. I sometimes indulge in get-rich-quick schemes for the same reason, just a hit of that sweet hope. Hope for what? Hope that my life for the next 30 years isn't going to be like this…10 hour days, 5 days a week. The unrelenting feeling that you're wasting the best years of your life slaving away in a cubicle.

Does anyone have any advice to try to push back the darkness? Before any suggests religion, I have already tried to 'find God'. All I got for my trouble was a priest politely, but firmly, asking me to leave and never return.

Sorry if this sounds like begging or fishing for attention, that is not my aim. I am just trying to get some advice and maybe give others a place to share their experiences.

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