
I was assaulted at work, what are my rights though? tw for SA

As the title says, around a month ago, I was sexually assaulted while working by a client of my agency. It was very traumatic and I'm having a difficult time moving past it. My work has done LITERALLY NOTHING. the person wasnt discharged or closed, just transfered to another provider. My work has given me literally no support. My supervisor gave me two days of pto after it happened but told me “not to tell anyone.” Other than that, nothing. I was given no accommodations, no talks with HR, no safety meetings, no support.. its been a month and I am literally suffering. I WFH most days but going into the office is incredibly triggering. I feel like I have PTSD. I've never really had a bad experience at work that made me want to look into workers compensation or FMLA or even start talking to an attorney. So, I'm…

As the title says, around a month ago, I was sexually assaulted while working by a client of my agency. It was very traumatic and I'm having a difficult time moving past it. My work has done LITERALLY NOTHING. the person wasnt discharged or closed, just transfered to another provider. My work has given me literally no support. My supervisor gave me two days of pto after it happened but told me “not to tell anyone.” Other than that, nothing. I was given no accommodations, no talks with HR, no safety meetings, no support.. its been a month and I am literally suffering. I WFH most days but going into the office is incredibly triggering. I feel like I have PTSD.

I've never really had a bad experience at work that made me want to look into workers compensation or FMLA or even start talking to an attorney. So, I'm not even sure where to start and I just feel so incredibly overwhelmed. What are my rights or who should I talk to?? Does this count for workers comp??

And to pre-emptively answer the question, if I could just quit and my bills still be paid, I would have a month ago. I'm actively looking for another job and have interviews coming up. But in the mean time, I literally cannot keep doing this

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