
Things that don’t require effort

Not calling your employees on their off day to cover a shift. Letting employees take sick leave on mental breakdowns. Paying comparable rates and more for “extra effort”. Not judging body language and dress up. Giving health insurance. Valuing your employee and their space. Understanding that employees are also humans and need rest, break, food, sleep. Not acting like you own them just because you pay them.

  1. Not calling your employees on their off day to cover a shift.
  2. Letting employees take sick leave on mental breakdowns.
  3. Paying comparable rates and more for “extra effort”.
  4. Not judging body language and dress up.
  5. Giving health insurance.
  6. Valuing your employee and their space.
  7. Understanding that employees are also humans and need rest, break, food, sleep.
  8. Not acting like you own them just because you pay them.

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