Ok here's the issue at hand. I got a job offer from Walmart A and went through the background check. All was good but could not make orientation bc I was stuck at my mechanic. I called and texted HR but never heard anything back for 1.5 weeks at which point my schedule changed and I needed (not wanted) to work nights so I told her that I could not take the position.
Now a month later I'm going for Walmart B. They have the hours and money I'm looking for. I am walking into the back where hr is for orientation and I get a call from HR about something being wrong. Apparently they have me down working at store A for 2 weeks and I gained three points. Keep in mind store A put down I worked for them during a time that I never got an offer letter, never made orientation, nor received a pay check. HR is getting together with the SM tomorrow to see where the three points came from.
So my questions are
1. Is this legal
2. Can you get points for not going to orientation? When I worked for Walmart in the past if you did not go to orientation it was not held against you.
3. What are my options to fight this through corporate
I have an idea on what to do but just wanted to pick other people's brains. Also I have commented on the sub but never have needed to post so if this is the wrong place please just tell me and I'll find some other place to post this question one last thing if you do not have the answers to my question please ignore this post.