
Can we talk about drug testing?

Drug testing for jobs is such an invasion of privacy, and it's not needed for like 90% of jobs. You could argue it's needed for commercial drivers or operating heavy machinery, but even then that's debatable because it doesn't test for current intoxication. Regardless, it's none of their damn business what you do in your own time. I think people should refuse drug tests out of principle, but I also realize a lot of people don't have that option. Is there anything that can be done to get rid of this dystopian practice?

Drug testing for jobs is such an invasion of privacy, and it's not needed for like 90% of jobs. You could argue it's needed for commercial drivers or operating heavy machinery, but even then that's debatable because it doesn't test for current intoxication. Regardless, it's none of their damn business what you do in your own time.

I think people should refuse drug tests out of principle, but I also realize a lot of people don't have that option. Is there anything that can be done to get rid of this dystopian practice?

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