
Opposite discrimination

I work for a Large electronics company. I do crazy shifts but manage a lovely team who I look after the best I can. Had the team since they started 3 years ago and we're all good friends. Because our company was growing was tasked with taking on 2 new starters. Both Muslim ladies who are friends outside of work and massively religious and as always I tried making them apart of the team right away and offering support as much as possible. I mentioned during our first contact together when asked by them how I ended up in this Job. So I explained I served in the armed forces here in the UK and had been medically discharged due to Injury whilst on tour. As soon as this was mentioned I was met with distain from both the women, asking why I did what I did and how could…

I work for a Large electronics company.
I do crazy shifts but manage a lovely team who I look after the best I can. Had the team since they started 3 years ago and we're all good friends.

Because our company was growing was tasked with taking on 2 new starters. Both Muslim ladies who are friends outside of work and massively religious and as always I tried making them apart of the team right away and offering support as much as possible.

I mentioned during our first contact together when asked by them how I ended up in this Job. So I explained I served in the armed forces here in the UK and had been medically discharged due to Injury whilst on tour. As soon as this was mentioned I was met with distain from both the women, asking why I did what I did and how could I live with myself.

I answered just by stating it was my job at the time and I was simply doing it as a job.

Since then these 2 women have complained to HR, my bosses and their bosses and spread distain between the team. They make minimal effort with work, speak badly in there own language about colleagues and myself and have turned my Job and team into a mess. A year ago I loved my job and my team. My boss thinks it's my fault for not trying hard enough and a few of my team have been accused of being racist.
Some are now threatening to quit because they feel so uncomfortable and because I cannot do anything the hate comes my way.

I do not know what to do anymore. I have the ability and experience to be a Senior manager but this is stopping me from progressing because of the hate it's generating making me look bad at my job.

Any ideas what I could do?

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