
“At least I didn’t cry at work today.”

How sad is that? Many people in all industries are brought to tears at work due to stress and treatment. My fiancée shared a meme with me the other day and said “this was me today lol”. I laughed and didn’t think much about it. This morning, I remembered that meme and it really sunk in. It’s depressing how accepting we all are of our jobs making us cry for all the wrong reasons. No one wants to cry tears of sadness from a place that they will spend a great amount of their time at. I understand that some jobs are high stress, but their has to be a way to change the formula for an employee’s personal well being.

How sad is that? Many people in all industries are brought to tears at work due to stress and treatment. My fiancée shared a meme with me the other day and said “this was me today lol”. I laughed and didn’t think much about it.

This morning, I remembered that meme and it really sunk in. It’s depressing how accepting we all are of our jobs making us cry for all the wrong reasons. No one wants to cry tears of sadness from a place that they will spend a great amount of their time at. I understand that some jobs are high stress, but their has to be a way to change the formula for an employee’s personal well being.

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