
I detest capitalism

The other day there was a post that asked us why we're here (on this sub). I didn't really know how to articulate my answer then. But today I watched the UK's Prime Ministers Questions. In it, the Opposition asked the Prime Minister why he won't put a windfall tax on the unexpected profits of Oil Companies to ease the cost of living crisis for working people. The answer was disappointing drivel about how we should trust the Oil Companies to invest in Green Energy. This answer came in the context of a National Insurance tax being increased (which is paid on salaries, but not on rental income or dividends or similar non-working income). The workers are, once again, being sacrificed to Capitalism. And that's why I'm in antiwork. I am fundamentally against the concept of work being used as an engine for ideological capitalism, as if it isn't people…

The other day there was a post that asked us why we're here (on this sub). I didn't really know how to articulate my answer then. But today I watched the UK's Prime Ministers Questions. In it, the Opposition asked the Prime Minister why he won't put a windfall tax on the unexpected profits of Oil Companies to ease the cost of living crisis for working people.

The answer was disappointing drivel about how we should trust the Oil Companies to invest in Green Energy. This answer came in the context of a National Insurance tax being increased (which is paid on salaries, but not on rental income or dividends or similar non-working income).

The workers are, once again, being sacrificed to Capitalism. And that's why I'm in antiwork. I am fundamentally against the concept of work being used as an engine for ideological capitalism, as if it isn't people who do the work.

Working people are exploited, and increasingly as the cost of living increases, so that the superrich can make “more profit than we know what to do with”. Labour might never be fully fair and consensual. But, that should at least be the direction of travel.

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