
Work has made me hate computers

I hate staring at a computer screen 9-10 hours a day as the world goes by. I hate learning each new portal/app/website that aims to “streamline” everything but all it does is raise the bar for employers’ expectations because you have all these “tools” at your disposal that supposedly make everything easier but never actually seems to. And this is coming from a millennial in their early 30s. I grew up with this shit and I SHOULD love it. I understand the usefulness of computer and new-age technology but my next line of work I hope is not centered behind a 15” flowing screen. Rant over.

I hate staring at a computer screen 9-10 hours a day as the world goes by. I hate learning each new portal/app/website that aims to “streamline” everything but all it does is raise the bar for employers’ expectations because you have all these “tools” at your disposal that supposedly make everything easier but never actually seems to. And this is coming from a millennial in their early 30s. I grew up with this shit and I SHOULD love it.

I understand the usefulness of computer and new-age technology but my next line of work I hope is not centered behind a 15” flowing screen.

Rant over.

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