
Child free as protest: no more cogs

I am child free for many reasons. But mainly two: I can't afford kids even while working full-time at a job that pays above minimum wage and while still on my parents insurance. Additionally, I refuse to doom anyone to the fate that we all share: being but another cog in the machine that is late stage capitalism to be chewed up and spit out once we are no longer profitable. This got me thinking, what if people chose to be child free as a form of protest? Or if they do want kids, only adopting? With the threat less future labor, corporations will have to start listening to our demands or they will be forced to in order to compete for laborers in the future. The message would be clear: either now or later they will have to offer better wages, benefits, and working conditions. The rich won't volunteer…

I am child free for many reasons. But mainly two: I can't afford kids even while working full-time at a job that pays above minimum wage and while still on my parents insurance. Additionally, I refuse to doom anyone to the fate that we all share: being but another cog in the machine that is late stage capitalism to be chewed up and spit out once we are no longer profitable.

This got me thinking, what if people chose to be child free as a form of protest? Or if they do want kids, only adopting? With the threat less future labor, corporations will have to start listening to our demands or they will be forced to in order to compete for laborers in the future. The message would be clear: either now or later they will have to offer better wages, benefits, and working conditions.

The rich won't volunteer to end the cycle of oppression. So it will end with me, at least for my bloodline. They will get no more cogs from my family.

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