
How do I weigh the pros and cons when I’m considering switching jobs?

A company is trying to poach me right now and I don't know what to do. Please help. I currently work for… we'll call them Company A. I feel like I'm slightly underpaid (albeit not drastically) but I'm also not micromanaged at all. I'm largely left alone to do my work, which is great! My boss is great. I work from home full-time, also great! But the greatness stops there. The company culture is awful. Upper management is very petty. I have no opportunity for advancement where I'm at unless my boss leaves, and if she leaves my life here is going to get a lot worse. The other managers are really bad, and if I get promoted into her role I will be super micromanaged. Company B is trying to poach me. Better title, better pay (but not really, more on that later), more interesting work. I keep hearing…

A company is trying to poach me right now and I don't know what to do. Please help.

I currently work for… we'll call them Company A. I feel like I'm slightly underpaid (albeit not drastically) but I'm also not micromanaged at all. I'm largely left alone to do my work, which is great! My boss is great. I work from home full-time, also great! But the greatness stops there. The company culture is awful. Upper management is very petty. I have no opportunity for advancement where I'm at unless my boss leaves, and if she leaves my life here is going to get a lot worse. The other managers are really bad, and if I get promoted into her role I will be super micromanaged.

Company B is trying to poach me. Better title, better pay (but not really, more on that later), more interesting work. I keep hearing what a great company this is to work for, but I'm not sure how much I trust the sources of that info. They would require me to come into the office 3 days a week, this is a huge negative for me because I've been working remotely since Fall 2018 and have grown accustomed to it. My wife and I have gotten by with one car because I work from home. We probably need to buy a car if I need to go into the office. They asked me what my compensation expectations were and I tried to kick the question back to them (“What range do you expect to fill this role in.”) and they refused to answer, told me I had to give them a number, so I did. The compensation conversation happened before they told me I'd need to be in the office 3 days a week so now I don't know what to do. Buying a car aside (which sounds like it will be really hard right now after talking to friends who are trying to buy), with the price of gas and mileage this will be a pay cut from where I am now. But better long term opportunities (probably). The company culture is an unknown.

So, I guess I'm turning to you reddit for any kind of advice. I have been a huge proponent of wfh since the pre-pandemic days and I feel like I'm letting myself and the wfh community down if I go back to the office. I know that's dumb, but it's in my brain.

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