
Creative Focused Action in Great Numbers

I think it’s time we all stop making Reddit posts about how terrible these wealthy bastards are and instead start brainstorming creative ways to get even. We out number these bastards. If we put our minds to it, and work with focus and patience and get organized we can bring them to their knees. Anyone have a really creative idea they’ve been sitting on? All we need is one crazy, out of the box tactic and a million or so people committed to it to accomplish anything. Once it works we can pick the next tactic. I think it’s time to fight dirty. What are your best ideas?

I think it’s time we all stop making Reddit posts about how terrible these wealthy bastards are and instead start brainstorming creative ways to get even. We out number these bastards. If we put our minds to it, and work with focus and patience and get organized we can bring them to their knees. Anyone have a really creative idea they’ve been sitting on? All we need is one crazy, out of the box tactic and a million or so people committed to it to accomplish anything. Once it works we can pick the next tactic.

I think it’s time to fight dirty. What are your best ideas?

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