
Help! Medical reasons to tell my boss so I can remain working remote?

Hey yall, my place of work has decided to return to the office full time after working for months remote. It's a move from the higher ups and our managers aren't overly keen on it, but nothing they can do until the powers above write some formal procedures to work remote if they so choose. Now being that the infrastructure to work remote remains, I'm hoping to remain working from home. My work has to accomodate any sort of medical restrictions and I'm wondering if any of you have had success presenting something specific to your manager that allowed you to stay remote? I hate to abuse the “system” but it's been nothing but positive for my productivity and family's wellbeing. My family doctor is very understanding and would probably write anything I need as long as it doesn't go as far as complete fabrication, but I'm open to anything.…

Hey yall, my place of work has decided to return to the office full time after working for months remote. It's a move from the higher ups and our managers aren't overly keen on it, but nothing they can do until the powers above write some formal procedures to work remote if they so choose.

Now being that the infrastructure to work remote remains, I'm hoping to remain working from home. My work has to accomodate any sort of medical restrictions and I'm wondering if any of you have had success presenting something specific to your manager that allowed you to stay remote? I hate to abuse the “system” but it's been nothing but positive for my productivity and family's wellbeing. My family doctor is very understanding and would probably write anything I need as long as it doesn't go as far as complete fabrication, but I'm open to anything.

Things to consider: we have been very successful in working remote to the point no one has been in office at times, I cannot threaten to quit as we are essentially just “numbers” and can be easily replaced, and just simply not returning to office is also not an option as I would not be protected by my union for “insubordination.”

I don't mean to discredit or trivialize those with disabilities, my family has been much happier with me home and has helped my partner's mental health tremendously.

I appreciate all advice! I'm open to private messages if people are uncomfortable sharing personal details that has helped them in their fight to remain remote.

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